Discount designer handbags and purses
The term designer label refers to clothing and other personal accessory items sold under the named designer of the brand. The term is usually used to luxury products that are the high end of any product range marketed.
The big brands are high priced and prestigous like Calvin Klein, Versace, Burberry, Gucci, Armani, Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Dolce & Gabbana, Valentino, Chanel Polo Ralph Lauren, Prada, and many others which are usually refer to a company's founder and most popular designer - usually a trademark and under patent.
While a relationship between high priced, luxury consumer products and social class might exist to a certain degree, links connecting consumer products to class status is of highly subjective and vague nature.
- Clutch: Small, longish rectangular, evening bag without a handle.
- Satchel : A soft-sided case made of leather to carry papers or books.
- Duffle bag : A large bag usually for travel or sports items.
- Tote : A medium to large bag with two straps.
- Messenger bag : A bag with a long strap usually worn across the body.
- Sling bag : A bag with a long strap smaller than massanger bags.
Replicas have often been used illegally for forgery of money but also commercial merchandise such as designer label clothing, luxury handbags and accessories and watches.
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